Saucye West is a plus model, fat fashion influencer and fat activist. She does consulting and marketing for plus size brands who are interested in expanding their sizes beyond 5X.
Saucye has been in the fashion industry for over 10 years and has both runway and print experience and is the largest doing both at a size 30. She is the first 400 pound runway model! Self proclaimed “Largest Runway Model”
Saucye also started the hashtag and movement for #FatAndFree in 2017. Challenging people to live and love their fat bodies without apology. With that campaign she created safe spaces and events for fat folks in the Bay Area She also started a campaign and boycott with the hashtag #FightForInclusivity which is challenging the plus industry to make clothing beyond a 4x. With that campaign, some brands in the plus size market actively began to strive for more inclusion, by hiring larger models as well as using more models of color and re-working their size charts. Which was a big win for the movement!
Saucye also is a speaker that has discussed fat activism at the University of Georgia. She has contributed to books like “The Other F Word”. And has done many conferences and seminars teaching people about how to love themselves.
Stay tuned for future projects by subscribing to her instagram!